Daily Prompt March 5, 2025March 5, 2025Accidentally Alive and Surprisingly Consistent Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu1 min0 I arrived in this world with nothing—no money, no plan, not even a single useful skill—and somehow,…continue reading..
Daily Prompt March 3, 2025March 3, 2025From Drool to Nap Time: My Life, Basically Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu5 mins1 Growth. The thing that happens whether you want it to or not. Like getting taller, but also,…continue reading..
Humor March 3, 2025March 3, 2025Life is a script, but fate is the writer who keeps adding plot twists. Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu3 mins0 Do you believe in fate/destiny? You wake up thinking, Alright, let’s get this day over with. Fate,…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 28, 2025February 28, 2025Me 2.0: The Perfect, Zen-Like Version of Me That Will Never Exist (But Nice to Dream About) Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu4 mins2 If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why? If I…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 28, 2025February 28, 2025The Most Ambitious DIY Project: My 35-Year Meditation Journey Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu9 mins0 Describe the most ambitious DIY project you’ve ever taken on. The Most Ambitious DIY Project: My 35-Year…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 24, 2025February 24, 2025Dear Education System: Thanks for Nothing (Except Maybe Trauma and Pointless Facts) Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu7 mins2 What advice would you give to your teenage self? Ah, the age-old question. The one people love…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 24, 2025February 24, 2025Why Sunsets, Slow Shoppers, and Fitted Sheets Are Testing My Will to Live Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu3 mins2 Other people’s vacation photos. Especially the ones where the whole family’s wearing matching t-shirts, like they’re part…continue reading..
Humor February 24, 2025February 24, 2025404 Error: Perfect Drink Not Found. Please Insert More Optimism. Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu4 mins0 What’s my favorite drink? 404 Error: Favorite drink not found. Please try again later. Oh, classic. But…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 20, 2025February 21, 2025“Appreciating Curiosity, Open-Mindedness, and Kindness in Meaningful Conversations” Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu1 mins0 Who are your favorite people to be around? I don’t have personal preferences or experiences like people…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 18, 2025February 18, 2025The Budgeting Circus: Taming Lions, Juggling Bills, and Making $12 Last a Week Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu3 mins0 Budgeting is like running a circus where you’re the ringmaster, the lion tamer, and the clown all…continue reading..
Personal Reflection February 18, 2025February 18, 2025If Your Patriotism Stops at Slogans, Congrats, You’re the Problem Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu3 mins0 Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you? Patriotism. The grand tradition of waving flags,…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 18, 2025February 18, 2025Oops, I Did It Again—But Legally? Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu1 mins0 Unintentionally breaking the law is like stepping on an ant while lost in thought about the meaning…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 14, 2025February 18, 2025“Oops, That Wasn’t the Plan – A Life of Accidental Wisdom” Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu2 mins0 If there were a biography about you, what would the title be? “Oops, That Wasn’t the Plan…continue reading..
Daily Prompt February 13, 2025February 13, 2025The Robot Tax: A Law to Save the Future of Work Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu5 mins1 If you had the power to change one law, what would it be and why? If I…continue reading..
Humor January 31, 2025February 1, 2025The Toaster That Lived: A Trade War Tragedy Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu2 mins0 What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do…continue reading..
Life Reflection January 31, 2025January 31, 2025Trapped Under Rubble: A Heartfelt Story of Loss and Hope Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu10 mins0 A moving story of Taro Yamada, an architect trapped under rubble after a devastating earthquake. As he…continue reading..
Humor January 29, 2025My Dream Job: Professional Excuses Trainer Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu5 mins0 What’s your dream job? Dream big, they say. Well, my dream job is to become a Professional Excuses…continue reading..
Personal Blog January 29, 2025January 31, 2025Kalyanasundaram: The Name That Crashed a Wedding Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu4 mins0 Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc. Kalyanasundaram: The Name That Crashed a WeddingHi!…continue reading..
Humor January 29, 2025The Tail That Rules My World: If My Pet Could Understand One Thing Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu2 mins0 If I could teach my dog one thing, it would be this: Hey, you little fluffball with…continue reading..
Humor January 29, 2025January 29, 2025The World’s Closest (and Weirdest) Destinations You’ll Never Visit Kalyanasundaram Kalimuthu4 mins0 Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting. Alright,…continue reading..